Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Final Evaluation


In this project Tala Hashem and i made a powerpoint on digital health and wellness. Digital Health and wellness is basically your health on the computer, physically, and mentally. Tala Hashem did the physical part of this project and i did the mental part of the project. Tala talked to us about how you should basically be looking while on the computer. How you should you be sitting on the chair, the healthy way to use a mouse, and many other aspects.

On my side of the project i did mental health on the computer. So basically i talked about addictions on the computer. Chatting addictions, gaming addictions and such. I also talked about how you can get off of those addictions, and how bad they are if you don't get off of them.

While doing this project i felt like i sometimes got out of hand and did not do my work. Yet at other times i would be on track focusing, and trying to get the job done, and that is what i feel i have done, and i am happy with the work that i have accomplished. It was not a very hard project, yet it took a long time. i have been keeping up with my blogger, blogging everything that i have done.

Tala was a great partner, she always got her work done. Yet sometimes she would over react, and did not think i was ever going to finish my work, but i did. And when she did not think i was going to finish, she would yell at me and literally hit me, which i do not think is needed. We had good times and bad times. We worked to our limits, got our work done, and are now awaiting results, hoping for the best.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Investigation Digital Health and Wellness

I.T Investigation

In I.T this term we have been working on many projects. One of which we are doing now. In this project I have to do a PowerPoint show on digital health and wellness. Yet before I start my PowerPoint I have to make a story board, and keep a process journal of everything I do on my wiki space.

Digital Health and Wellness is your health while using the internet or just using the computer. One main health issue in digital health and wellness is your posture while using the computer. There are proper ways of using the computer, and if you do not follow these, you might end up hurting yourself.

Another part of Digital Health and Wellness is what you use on the computer. There are many things that you can get addicted to on the internet. Such as chatting for example. There are many people who waste endless hours of their day chatting, and this is affecting them and not letting them go out and do other things that they love to do. Yet this type of addiction is normally easy to over come.

Online gaming addiction is also another aspect of Digital Health and Wellness. A lot of people get addicted to online gaming. At first it is quite fun for the gamer and then as chatting addiction, it starts to become a time waster. Many people over come the addiction, yet it is still a problem to many others.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Digital health and Wellness Project

These past few weeks we have had a long project in I.T class. we were partnered up and i was partnered with Tala Hashim. We have made some success in our work yet we still have quite a long way to go. so far i have almost finished my story board. i have a few slides left. we have posted many items on our wiki answering many questions asked by our teacher. we answered the question in detail and stated our sources to our answers. our project is about digital health and wellness. we still have the powerpoint to start. my partner seems to get made quire easily, and she is not very nice yet i hav gotten around with it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Digital health.

There are many problems in digital health. many people get addicted to the internet for many reasons. many people use the internet for sexual use, drugs, or other unhealthy properties. yet there are some cases that are healthy on the internet talking about your health and that you need to take care of it and  how to take care of it. so in conclusion i would like to say that you should stick to the good things on the internet and avoid unhealthy items

Digital health

It Adds Up (and Up, and Up)

This article talks about how gadgets and technology has evolved over the years. such as a man named Jon green who used to use an antenna which consisted of 7 channels for his tv. now he uses cable and satellite which shows how much it has advances. he used to also use big wire telephones, and now he uses a cell phone as does everyone else. many people from grades 4 and up are starting to get cell phones and it shows that it is not an adult thing any more yet it is for all ages.

Cyber Bullying

David knight is a student in high school who has been a victim of cyber bullying. He likes to pilot planes and do other plane related activities. yet one day at school people started to laugh at him and make jokes about him. he did not no the reason for this until he heard that there is a sight on him saying very bad things about him. He got very depressed and could not take it. he was not comfortable at school and his grades started to drop. so he ;eft school and finished his last year of school at home. 
David said that this problem mainly started when he started going into chat rooms. he said that it is a major part of being a teenager. you want to be social and don't want to be the worst.

I believe david learned a major lesson in this, and that is never talk to people that you do not know. step out when you think its to much and always go where your heart leads you to. I have also learned this lesson after reading this and i will never do what he has done.